( Perfect Hydration Solution )
Belree Hydrating Night Cream contain high protein botanical extracts ( pinecone ) which contain Vitamin A, D, E and bio-regenesis substances which penetrates deep into the skin layer to revitalize the cell membrane, and activate the breakdown of melanin which causes the appearance of skin pigmentation.
Belree Hydrating Night Cream also contain pearl powder, anti-bacterial and an effective anti-inflammation elements which effectively improves skin allergy, swelling, itchiness while maintaining the skin elasticity and hydration. At the same time maintain and improve skin elasticity & firmness.
Direction :
Apply approx. 1 gm ( size of a red bean ) onto the skin after cleansing ( night ). Repeat 2-3 times daily.
keep in cool & dry place.
~~• 全效高倍净白晚霜 •
本品含有高单位蛋白成分 以天然植物萃取精华薏仁 《YOYUIMIN》配合维他命 A.D .E 保湿因子 活性再生素 具有良好的深层仟维体能使细胞对黑色素的输送与排泄能力增加快速的化解 是一种最新对于【黑斑】【雀斑】各种【斑点】有效而且迅速达到增白的尖端产品 另外 所含消炎素 抗菌素 珍珠粉 具有暖和对敏感皮肤的刺激 并对皮肤红肿 发痒 红疼 相当快速消退作用 使皮肤达到舒适坚固
效果: 高效保湿很重要、这个晚霜能
成分里的珍珠粉、有办法让你越用皮肤越嫩 越白、杀菌功效帮助消除痘痘 、让你皮肤更有光泽、靓丽透白效果 #
使用方法: 晚间使用先洗净脸部,再取本品1gm (约5粒米大)。点状涂于脸上,抹均匀即可,知道隔天早上洗掉。
重量: 20gm